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This is 391 Summer St. In New Bedford.
Picture taken on March 25, 1985.

In 1949 Andre and Alice Sirois owned and lived here for many years (on the first floor).
Normand And Marcelle Chartier lived here (second floor apartment) in 1949 a year after they were married in 1948 .
Roger Chartier was born to them 11/27/1950 and lived here.
Roger Learned to say the word "Feuille" while playing with his wonderful Mother, Marcelle under the large red Maple tree that dominated the yard.
 Paulette Chartier was born in 1953 and they moved shortly thereafter to 101 Hathaway Blvd. in New Bedford.

  391 Summer St. NEw Bedford, Ma.find your lost ancestors,  or you can find some of your relatives, search for Ancestors,  learn about geneology, aunts uncles grandparents and great grandparents can be found. Where are ytour relatives? Look up your family tree to find out about Chartier, Audette, Godbout, Nadeau, Sirois, Bergeron, L'Etoile, Damien Audette, Vaillancourt, Savoie. Find those old relatives. Look at the old photo photo"
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