Your Whole World

It's about my interests and what should be yours

My opinions as written on these pages are non-negotiable and considered absolute fact. I am the most intelligent person on this feeble planet.

I have done many things that people here don't realize, many of which are for the benefit of mankind through the future ages.

Ad Bowelmaster qui litificum, ju ventutem meam.


Breach Holder

Follow her down to a bridge by the river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Leopold has a brother named Theobold who happens to be an identical twin though with 2 seperated fathers.
Sacre Bleu mon tete de pioche.
Vous avez une face comme un pion pion. Mette votre langue directment dans mla trou de quex. Je veux dormir maintenant. Votre vieux tante est une rongeuse de la balustre.

Je vous salue Leopold

Je vous salue Leopold pleine de grace, le bande des putins scenteuse veux te liches tes cuisses.
Putrid feces of yellow and green flowing from your colonic vault. Look at the man with the sun in his eyes and your gone! Vous ettes une effronte de sans couer. Maudire cornifleux!
Fait ton couchette dans la jardin pres de la cochonne gris qui scent comme la merdre. Sussez son fess.